Everybody is happy when it’s summer – right?

So summer went by fast. It feels like yesterday I was sitting by my computer, writing about all of this summers adventure and had them all in front of me. Now the nights are getting darker again, the temperature is falling (not that they really rose to begin with..) and soon the ground will be covered in leaves. I haven’t had any activity in here for two weeks, that’s because I have been busy living. I have not yet come to that point in my blogging ”career” that I can prepare posts or write them quickly.

There are so many things I want to tell you guys and that I feel like writing about, but it takes me so much time to just think them through that I haven’t yet gotten around to writing them down properly. But I have made notes of all the things I have felt like writing about during this summer and our vacation, so you won’t miss anything. Promise!

When the stormy ocean of thoughts in your head calms down, and you find yourself casually floating around in the stillness.

This summer have given me so many new thoughts and insights. When I’m on vacation, or spend time doing things that I really love with people close to me, after awhile I start thinking about the big things in life. You know, when your soul and your brain finally catch up with each other. When the stormy ocean of thoughts in your head calms down, and you find yourself casually floating around in the stillness. That’s when I find myself thinking thoughts like – Am I happy? Am I doing things that I want to do, with all my heart? Am I the kind of person I want to be? Is there anything hurting – in my heart or in my soul?

A summer full of insights and thoughts

This summer has been amazing in so many ways. I have seen new places, met new people, made friends – made memories. I have let myself be tired. I have felt recharged. I’ve been happy and I have let myself be sad. I have come to realize that being happy is not about always smiling and laughing. It’s about letting yourself feel everything that you need to feel, and being Okay with that. For me, these moments of reflection and acknowledgment of what it is that I am feeling – makes it all so much easier.

We all go through rough times. We are all fighting our own battles. No one is happy all the time. And that’s okay. Damn, that’s the reason to live. To feel. And being brave enough to admit to yourself what it is that you’re feeling – and why. So that you can either act on it, or accept it. To me that has been such a good way to grow as a person, and to let things go. Because trust me, we all feel sad every now and then. Sometimes seemingly without reason. I know I do. And we all feel frustrated, angry, let down, betrayed, not good enough or just sad. And that’s okay. That’s life. And without downs there wouldn’t be any ups. 

Let yourself feel ♡

I will tell you more about all the amazing things about this summer. The full story from our trail running adventure is coming up, a few favorite spots in Lofoten, some great things that have happened (like my own business website finally being online – energizeyourbusiness.se) and some exciting adventures and things that lies ahead. 


And THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart, for following me and reading my blog posts. ♡

I have had a lot of people coming up to me this summer telling me that they read my blog and that they get inspiration from it in different ways. And it makes me so damn happy! Truly happy ♡

Amanda heter jag och är certifierad Coach. Jag är också mamma till två barn, matte till två hundar, fru till en musiker och född och uppvuxen i norr. Jag skriver personlig utveckling, personliga funderingar, om äventyr i naturen och livet norr om polcirkeln.

På bloggen får du läsa om högt och lågt, djupt och ytligt, forskning och personliga upplevelser – allt i en härlig blandning.


En snöig och enkel påsk ute i skogen

Det är mitten på april och påsken har kommit och gått. Vi firade påsken i vår egen stuga, ett mål som vi strävat mot hela hösten och vintern. Att hinna få stugan redo för att spendera påskhelgen där, och vi lyckades! Även om det ännu saknas golv- och taklister och

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Explore Within

Tankar och känslor är också vanor

Vad tänker du på när jag säger rutiner och vanor? De allra flesta tänker på saker vi gör. Kanske vilken tid vi kliver upp på morgonen, vad vi gör innan vi går och sover, hur mycket vi tränar eller vad vi äter. Men har du tänkt på att även våra

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Att sätta mål

Konsten att nå sina mål – och må bra på vägen!

Ärligt, hur många gånger har du satt ett mål, gett ett nyårslöfte eller uttalat en önskan om att uppnå något – bara för att sedan glömma bort det eller strunta i det? Jag vet att jag har gjort det hundratals gånger. Jag har också förut haft svårt för att sätta

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